Industrial Construction
At SGM we design and manufacture prototypes and test benches for industry, which allow our customers to carry out the tests they require on machines or parts, thus enabling them to improve and optimise their processes.
We develop projects from drawings, or developed by our technicians, that meet the requirements of our customers and we have the capacity to cover the entire process line:
- Development of construction plans
- Collection of materials
- Assembly and welding of the chassis
- Inspection of dimensions and welding
- Assembly and mechanical adjustment of all its mechanisms
- Assembly of the necessary hydraulic and/or pneumatic installation
- Assembly of the electrical and/or electronic installation
- Functional tests
- Packing and transport of the machine
- Delivery of documentation and quality certificates
- After-sales service
Contact us, we’ll be happy to help you
Pol. Ind. Morero – Parcela 1.3
39611 Guarnizo – CANTABRIA
+34 942 74 39 06 / +34 649 961 752
Monday to Friday: 8:00 a 18:00 horas